Red Light Therapy and Male Fertility
Written by Ben Bunting: BA(Hons), PGCert.
Red light therapy for testicles is considered a safe way to boost testosterone and sperm count. It works by stimulating the body's cellular processes by exposing the organs to wavelengths of red light. Because our bodies perceive light and heat, red light stimulates biological processes in the testicles. Certain wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation are considered safe for humans. Read on to learn more about red light therapy for male fertility.
Increasing circulation improves cellular health
A regular exercise program can make a dramatic impact on your cellular health. Strength training and cardiovascular exercises can benefit cells in the entire body. Cardiovascular workouts send blood pumping throughout the body, influencing cellular health. In addition, cardio can boost the immune system. And cardiovascular exercise can boost the health of your telomeres. This is why regular exercise is crucial to cellular health.
Red Light Therapy and testosterone levels
Using low-intensity red light therapy on testicles may increase testosterone levels naturally. Some research has shown that low-level red light therapy increases testosterone levels in animals. This treatment may improve sperm health and increase sperm count. But more research is needed to determine whether red light therapy increases testosterone levels in humans.
As part of male biology, testosterone is responsible for male reproduction. It also defines muscle and bone mass, facial hair, and sexual function. Testosterone production typically increases during puberty and decreases after age 30. While a gradual decline in testosterone levels is normal as people age, abnormal levels can result in unwanted side effects. Therefore, if more conclusive evidence emerges regaridng the implementation of red light therapy to increase testosterone levels this could potentially help restore normal hormone levels and enhance sexual satisfaction.
Sexual Satisfaction
There are several possible benefits of red light therapy for sexual satisfaction. As we have read, it may boost testosterone levels and thus improve libido. In addition to improving sexual satisfaction, red light therapy can improve joint pain and deep tissue healing. Red light therapy may even help treat some negative effects of menopause. However, it is not known whether it works. More studies are needed to prove the effectiveness of red light therapy for sexual satisfaction. However, a recent pilot study suggests it may improve male libido.
Researchers found that subjects who were exposed to red light for 30 minutes a day improved their sexual satisfaction. This effect was not limited to the males; it was also observed in women. It is important to note that the researchers still consider the results preliminary until they are published in a peer-reviewed journal. The findings have implications for both sexes who are looking for a more fulfilling sexual life.
Improving motility
Red light therapy for male infertility has been known to improve sperm motility and increase fertility rates. The red light therapy range contains the most effective wavelengths to improve male reproductive health. Sperm motility is a vital aspect of male fertility, and slow sperm will never reach the egg cell. It is not uncommon for men to experience low sperm counts and have difficulty conceiving, but red light therapy has many benefits.
➡️READ: Natural treatments for male infertility
Low-level laser light can improve the motility of sperm in male testicles, according to a study. It is thought to increase the levels of light-sensitive cytochrome c oxidase in the mitochondria. However, light therapy can only affect the cells for a limited amount of time. This could result in damage to the cells. This light therapy is not recommended for all male infertility problems.
Increasing sperm viability
Several recent studies have examined the effect of red light on sperm quality and viability. Although there is still debate on the effects of red light on sperm DNA, a recent study found that LED-based red light treatment increased swimming speed, mitochondrial membrane potential, and sperm motility. However, DNA damage was not assessed in these studies. In addition to laboratory studies, sperm motility has also been measured with a computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system (CASA). CASA measures swimming speed and other characteristics of sperm mobility. Similarly, other studies have measured motility using light scattering techniques.
One method for measuring the VCL of sperm is to use a sperm-DNA fragmentation assay. The data are presented as the geometric mean of a single sample of spermatozoa with a high level of superoxides. In addition, the methodology should be tested on fresh samples. Once the method is validated, it can be used to measure DNA damage in a laboratory setting.
There isn't a great deal of research available regarding light therapy and how it can improve hormone or fertility levels at this point.
As a result, be cautious. Much of the information online is associated with making sales from preliminary studies rather than multiple positive outcomes.
That said, some of the research does look promising.