How it works

Infertility affects 15% of couples globally of reproductive age and is now considered a "public health priority" by the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention of the United States. [1] [2] 

There is a global rising trend of male infertility which is illustrated by data collected from 1990 until 2017 which stood at over 700 males per 100,000. [3]

In the USA this stands at 9.4% of males being infertile which accounts for almost 11,000,000 men. In Europe where the total male population is higher, the number of infertile men is over 18,000,000. [4]

To put that in to perspective, those figures combined are in excess of the whole Australian population. 

Male reproductive health is in such a decline that the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) has established an international task force to tackle what is now considered a global crisis. [5]


Fertiligy can help you

Just by considering the figures above, there's no surprise to lean that sperm count in western men has significantly declined since the early 1970s. [6] A report published by the British Medical Journal stated that sperm counts have significantly reduced globally coupled with a reduction of sperm quality. [7]

With this in mind our researchers and nutritionists investigated the common causes of male infertility, and the good practices in which men could promote conception rates. 

They found that some causes of male infertility were down to problems with sperm health and sexual dysfunction (both of which are related), and sexual dysfunction could be a further reflection of poor general health. [8] 

Fertility and Nutrition 

It has been identified that there is a link between male fertility and the nutritional aspects of our diet. The Journal of Clinical Medicine published a paper in 2020 which reported that healthy diets are correlated with better sperm health, and there's a role for vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as well as naturally occurring compounds. [9]

This is particularly encouraging as it is sperm health irregularities which constitute for over 90% of male infertility cases. [10]

Furthermore, growing evidence demonstrates the role in which plant extracts can stimulate sexual function and improve sperm parameters, concluding that phytotherapy is an essential form of treatment. [11]

What's inside Fertiligy?


Based on the analysis of many clincial trials, our nutritionists identified the micronutrients and compounds that have evidence in human trials to contribute to male fertility and libido, amongst other benefits. 

Additionally, we have mirrored the doses used in these studies to replicate the results. There's simply no point in using different amounts to what has demonstrated previous positive results. 

Moreover, our nutrient profile is completely disclosed to the user, we have nothing to hide and you can see exactly the amounts of each ingredient that is included in our unique formula. 

We also ensured that each addition was safe to use and doesn't feature on the list of banned supplements as outlined by WADA. Therefore if you are tested for banned supplements, you can be confident in Fertiligy. 

This means we have included 12 vegan friendly ingredients which are backed by clincial evidence demonstrating that they can improve multiple parameters of male health.

While the focus is on sperm health and libido, other areas are covered too, such as:

  • Scavenge free radicals that can damage cells, protein and DNA
  • Elevate testosterone 
  • Muscle strength
  • Reduce anxiety and stress
  • Bone health
  • Improve mood and general wellbeing
  • Help to acheive better quality of sleep

Common Nutrient Deficiencies

Did you know that there's a global vitamin D deficiency and that it is considered a global problem? [12]

Or that vitamin E is one of the body's main antioxidants? [13]

Were you aware that zinc deficiencies affect 31% of the worlds population and contributes to the burden of disease. [14]

People suffer from many nutritional deficiences that they may not be aware of, even in developed nations. The 'western diet' which, due to processing techniques has affected the nutritional qualities of foods, this can result in underlying chronic diseases. [15]

On top of this, the western diet which is associated with high levels of red meats, high sugars, fats dairy, refined food processes, and lacking micronutrients present itself as being a contributory factor towards infertility. [16]

Fertiligy Addresses Vitamin Deficiencies...and more

We have identified the common micronutrient deficiencies most people are suffering from, plug the gaps and then include additional natural plant extracts and compounds such as Fenugreek, D-Aspartic Acid and CoQ10 (amongst others) that have demonstrated through research to promote healthy fertility and increase pregnancy rates. 

Furthermore, Fertiligy can contribute towards increased vitality and feelings of invigoration.

Sperm Regeneration Cycle

The full sperm regeneration cycle takes about 64 days from the creation of fully functioning spermatozoa which can then travel efficiently through the female reproductive tract. [17]

With this information in mind, now is the time to act if you are looking to improve aspects of fertility and male health.  

How to Take Fertiligy

Each bottle of Fertiligy contains 210 HPMC 'veggie' capsules that are suitable for those on a plant-based diet. 

Our research in to the clinical trials relating to the nutrients show that best results can be acheived after taking continuously for a period of six months. Please refer to our page outlining the nutrient profile, here

Please be aware that this product is to be only used by healthy adults (over the age of 18) and is aimed at males. 

We recommend that you take several capsules over the course of your day with 8-12 fl oz (230-350ml) of water. 

Please consult a medical professional prior to use if you have any concerns or currently take any medications.



[1] Sharlip, I.D., Jarow, J.P., Belker, A.M., Lipshultz, L.I., Sigman, M., Thomas, A.J., Schlegel, P.N., Howards, S.S., Nehra, A., Damewood, M.D., Overstreet, J.W. and Sadovsky, R. (2002). Best practice policies for male infertility. Fertility and Sterility, 77(5), pp.873–882. Available online at:

[2] CDC - DRH (2014). NatioNal Public HealtH actioN PlaN for the Detection, Prevention, and Management of Infertility. [online] Available at:

‌[3] Sun, H., Gong, T.-T., Jiang, Y.-T., Zhang, S., Zhao, Y.-H. and Wu, Q.-J. (2019). Global, regional, and national prevalence and disability-adjusted life-years for infertility in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: results from a global burden of disease study, 2017. Aging. Available online at:


Agarwal, A., Mulgund, A., Hamada, A. and Chyatte, M.R. (2015). A unique view on male infertility around the globe. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, [online] 13(1). Available at:

[5] University of Dundee. (n.d.). Task force to tackle male reproductive crisis. [online] Available at:

‌[6] Levine, H., Jørgensen, N., Martino-Andrade, A., Mendiola, J., Weksler-Derri, D., Mindlis, I., Pinotti, R. and Swan, S.H. (2017). Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Human Reproduction Update, [online] 23(6), pp.646–659. Available at:

‌[7] Carlsen, E., Giwercman, A., Keiding, N. and Skakkebaek, N.E. (1992). Evidence for decreasing quality of semen during past 50 years. BMJ : British Medical Journal, [online] 305(6854), pp.609–613. Available at: 

‌[8] Lotti, F. and Maggi, M. (2018). Sexual dysfunction and male infertility. Nature Reviews Urology, [online] 15(5), pp.287–307. Available at:

[9] Skoracka, K., Eder, P., Łykowska-Szuber, L., Dobrowolska, A. and Krela-Kaźmierczak, I. (2020). Diet and Nutritional Factors in Male (In)fertility—Underestimated Factors. Journal of Clinical Medicine, [online] 9(5). Available at:

‌[10] Leaver, R.B. (2016). Male infertility: an overview of causes and treatment options. British Journal of Nursing, 25(18), pp.S35–S40. Available online at:

[11] Nantia, E.A., Moundipa, P.F., Monsees, T.K. and Carreau, S. (2009). Medicinal plants as potential male anti-infertility agents: a review. Basic and Clinical Andrology, 19(3), pp.148–158. Available online at:

[12] Palacios, C. and Gonzalez, L. (2014). Is vitamin D deficiency a major global public health problem? The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 144, pp.138–145. Available online at:

[13] Traber, M.G. and Atkinson, J. (2007). Vitamin E, antioxidant and nothing more. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, [online] 43(1), pp.4–15. Available at:‌

[14] Kumera, G., Awoke, T., Melese, T., Eshetie, S., Mekuria, G., Mekonnen, F., Ewunetu, T. and Gedle, D. (2015). Prevalence of zinc deficiency and its association with dietary, serum albumin and intestinal parasitic infection among pregnant women attending antenatal care at the University of Gondar Hospital, Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia. BMC Nutrition, 1(1). Available online at:‌

[15] Cordain, L., Eaton, S.B., Sebastian, A., Mann, N., Lindeberg, S., Watkins, B.A., O’Keefe, J.H. and Brand-Miller, J. (2005). Origins and evolution of the Western diet: health implications for the 21st century. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, [online] 81(2), pp.341–354. Available at:

‌[16] Nazni, P. (2014). Association of western diet & lifestyle with decreased fertility. The Indian Journal of Medical Research, [online] 140(Suppl 1), pp.S78–S81. Available at: 

‌[17] Damayanthi Durairajanayagam, Anil Rengan, Sharma, R.K. and Ashok Agarwal (2015). Sperm Biology from Production to Ejaculation. [online] ResearchGate. Available at: ‌