Dry Needling for Fertility

ben bunting BA(Hons) PgCert Sport & Exercise Nutriton  Written by Ben Bunting: BA(Hons), PGCert.


Acupuncture for fertility can have a number of benefits. Studies show that the technique can lower stress and anxiety and improve depression, which can cause infertility. Acupuncture can also reduce cortisol, a hormone that has been linked to miscarriage. It is safe and often effective, but you should only seek out a licensed professional. Your reproductive endocrinologist may be able to recommend a qualified acupuncturist.


If you are interested in acupuncture to enhance fertility and reduce the risk of infertility, a licensed practitioner can provide you with a safe and effective treatment. Your licensed acupuncturist will follow the FDA's regulations and will ask questions about your overall health, past medical history, and symptoms. He or she will also consider the results of any fertility tests and will decide how many visits are needed before you can get pregnant. However, be aware that this isn't a guaranteed solution to any infertilty woes. It may merely help treat certain aspects of your health that may have an impact on fertility markers.

Acupuncture works by regulating Qi through channels and harmonizing Yin and Yang. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety. Stress is known to increase the risk of miscarriage. 

Couples can also choose to undergo fertility therapy together. Since couples have different emotional and physical struggles related to fertility, it is important to meet your partner where they are. For example, you may disagree with your partner about whether there is a male factor in infertility or not. You may also disagree about other aspects of fertility and infertility. I which case, medical evalutation will confirm who is suffering from the issue, in many cases both may be. 

Side effects

The use of dry needling in infertility treatments has a long history and many benefits, but the side effects of this procedure need to be understood before performing this procedure. There are a variety of risks associated with dry needling, including increased bleeding, epidural hematoma, and infection. In addition, women who are currently on immunosuppressive drugs or who are suffering from diabetes should exercise caution with this procedure.

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Dry needling may cause a bruise or minor pain after the procedure. The pain is usually mild and will disappear within a few days. However, some women may experience more severe side effects such as more severe bruising and infection. There are also some risks associated with using nonsterile needles which maybe used by unscrupulous practitioners.


Acupuncture has proven effective in a wide range of cases and is becoming increasingly popular in the western world. It has its roots in Chinese acupuncture, which was described more than two thousand years ago. But word of this technique only reached the western world in the late Renaissance. The Dutch East India Trading Company brought the news of acupuncture to Europe, where western physicians began to explore the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine.

The method uses a thin needle to manipulate a muscle. It differs from the hypodermic needle that is typically used for injections or drawing fluids. The dry needling needle is much thinner, and is available in varying lengths. The length of the needle is dependent on the depth of the muscle being targeted.

The cost of a single session of dry needling may range from $32 to $92, depending on the clinic. If you are without insurance, you may want to shop around for the best price. Some clinics offer a discount if they work together.


While dry needling may help alleviate some medical ailments, it is not a guarantee. Therefore, if you are suffeirng from infertility you may wish to use a an alternative treatment, but again, not all are guaranteed to ensure pregnancy.

Alternatives include dietary changes, introducing an exercise regime, ensuring you are getting enough antioxidants, then there are more invasive procedures such as IVF treatments or IUI. These methods can be risky if not performed properly, and clinicians should be aware of potential risks and side effects. 


Although dry needling is gaining more popularity, it may not be suitable for all patients. And, we must reiterate it isn't a guaranteed solution or fertility treatment. Some patients may experience pain, and some might require referrals to medical specialists. Some women with pelvic pain, including endometriosis and interstitial cystitis, may be inappropriate candidates for dry needling.

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