Treatment of Teratozoospermia and Pregnancy

ben bunting BA(Hons) PgCert Sport & Exercise Nutriton  Written by Ben Bunting: BA(Hons), PGCert.


In order for conception to take place, a healthy sperm cell must first penetrate a woman's vagina. There, it meets a fertilized egg and fertilization takes place. Because of the structure of a male reproductive cell, this process is highly unlikely in men with teratozoospermia. Therefore, treatment for this condition is very important before a couple plans to have a child.

What is Teratozoospermia?

Teratozoospermia is a condition where the sperm head does not fully develop, which can make conception difficult. This can also result in abnormal chromosomal structures in the embryos. Despite the challenges associated with the condition, there are ways to cure teratozoospermia naturally, increasing the chances of conceiving a child.

Generally, this condition is diagnosed by examining a drop of semen and examining the morphology of the spermatozoa under a microscope. A count of 200 spermatozoa is required in order to accurately diagnose the condition. The abnormal spermatozoons are oval in shape, have a thick midpiece, and an uncoiled tail.

The shape of sperm is responsible for their ability to swim across the female genital tract. If they have a head or tail defect, this can interfere with their motility and penetration. This condition affects male fertility and can result in sterility. It's often diagnosed during a fertility evaluation and, when the condition is severe enough, will have a significant impact on the man's ability to conceive naturally.

The main causes of teratozoospermia are unknown. However, the condition can be attributed to other medical conditions, such as coeliac disease or Crohn's disease. Lifestyle factors can also affect the morphology of sperm. Another condition associated with decreased morphology is varicocele.

Infections can also lead to the ugly morphologies of sperm. For example, viruses can cause genital herpes, resulting in abnormal sperm. Another factor that can lead to teratozoospermia is exposure to cigarette smoke or excessive exposure to radiation.

Fortunately, there are medical treatments for teratozoospermia. One of the most common treatments is IVF, a procedure where sperm and egg are fertilized in a laboratory. The resulting embryo is then implanted into the female partner's uterus. In some cases, sperm donation may be necessary.

The main aim of treatment for teratozoospermia is to improve the morphology of the sperm. In some cases, men who are suffering from teratozoospermia can still conceive with their partner. The goal is to increase sperm motility, improve morphology, and change your lifestyle.

Natural treatments for teratozoospermia include maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, and a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Taking evidence informed supplements and avoiding smoking are also helpful. Fertility treatments can also be used to treat poor morphology in sperm.

Treatment of teratozoosperm

Infertility can be a serious issue for men with teratozoospermia. Men with this condition have a low sperm count and irregular sperm morphology. This can be a result of stress, diabetes, and cancer treatments, but there are options available. 

A man with teratozoospermia is likely to have less than 4 percent of morphologically normal sperm in his egg. To determine the diagnosis, his sperm is stained with hematoxylin and eosin to evaluate their anatomy. Each sperm has a head and a neck, as well as a pair of mitochondria. These mitochondria provide energy to propel sperm movement. There is also a tail that extends about 10 times longer than the head.

Treatment for teratozoospermia varies from person to person. Men with mild teratozoospermia can use an IUI to try to conceive naturally. Men with more severe teratozoospermia may need to try in vitro fertilization (IVF).

If the sperm count is normal, then a pregnancy is likely to be successful. However, if the sperms are abnormal, they will not be able to penetrate the egg. A test for sperm motility can help doctors determine the cause of a man's abnormal sperm morphology.

IUI is the most popular treatment for males with teratozoospermia. This method involves direct injection of a man's semen near the egg. The sperms that survive are then selected by microscope and injected into the egg for fertilization. If this technique is unsuccessful, sperm donation may be necessary.

Teratozoospermia Severity

The treatment of teratozoospermia varies depending on the severity of the disease, the age of the woman, and the duration of infertility. In most cases, treatment will consist of IVF with ICSI. Fortunately, male teratozoospermia is not considered a cause of miscarriage during pregnancy. This is because the affected sperm will not be able to fertilize the egg. As such, the chances of a miscarriage are very low. However, the presence of a genetically tainted sperm will increase the risk of a sick child.

Besides genetics, teratozoospermia can also be caused by certain lifestyle factors. Recreational drug use, exposure to pesticides, and excessive alcohol consumption are all known to cause teratozoospermia. To combat teratozoospermia, men should avoid these harmful habits, eat a balanced diet and lead a more well rounded active lifestyle. A more active and nutritionally considered diet may improve sperm quality and improve the chances of pregnancy.

In most cases, isolated teratozoospermia is treated with IUI or controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. This procedure has shown good results for couples with isolated teratozoospermia.

Does Teratozoospermia Lead to Birth Defects?

Teratozoospermia is a condition in which the morphology of the sperms is abnormal. This abnormality is often caused by lower testosterone levels which may be treated with hormone replacement therapy. However, there are other causes, such as stress, which can have adverse effects on sperm quality. If you are experiencing stress, a therapist can help you work through the emotional issues that may be affecting your sperm. Toxins can also cause poor sperm morphology. 

Affected sperm will not be able to reach the egg because they will be malformed. They will also not be able to penetrate the egg's outer layer. This will hinder the fertilization process. It is important to note that abnormal sperm morphology will not cause fetal malformations, but it will prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg.

Although male fertility may be a problem for some teratozoospermia patients, this condition is relatively rare. Only one in 20 males with this condition is likely to conceive within 12 months. However, it is vital to note that males who have this condition are likely to have other fertility issues.

While the risks associated with this disorder are not high, patients suffering from severe teratozoospermia should be advised to seek appropriate genetic counseling to help them make an informed decision about their reproductive options. Couples should also be informed about their options for prenatal genetic testing and assisted reproductive techniques.

Is it Possible to Get Pregnant With Teratozoospermia?

Teratozoospermia affects male fertility, and it can make it difficult to get pregnant. However, as discussed there are treatments available for this condition. There are three major medical options available to help a man conceive. Although there are no guarantees, these methods are effective in most cases.

In some cases, a sperm containing abnormal morphology can be used to help conceive. However, this may cause miscarriage and increased risks of other pathologies. In a 2010 meta-analysis of teratozoospermia and pregnancy rates, abnormal PN patterns were found to increase the chances of miscarriage and low-quality embryos.

While sperm with a defect are common in a male population, their morphology often limits their ability to fertilize an egg. This means that men with teratozoospermia are likely to have other fertility problems. It is important for men to follow their doctors' advice and live a healthy lifestyle if they wish to become pregnant.

IVF is a popular treatment for males with teratozoospermia. This treatment involves the direct injection of men's semen near the egg in order to promote fertilization. This treatment is successful in most cases, but the cost is relatively high, ranging from 12,000 to 17,000 INR in India.

Teratozoospermia has a few different types. Most men with the condition will not experience pregnancy within a year. However, in some cases, a woman with teratozoospermia may be able to conceive naturally if other parameters of their semen are normal.

Another treatment option for teratozoospermia is in vitro fertilization. Sperm morphology is used to determine whether in vitro fertilization is an appropriate treatment for the condition. Some doctors recommend dietary multivitamins as well. But the efficacy of these options is not clear.

If your sperm count is low, you may also have a problem called asthenozoospermia. In some cases, this type of azoospermia is associated with retrograde ejaculation. This condition can be caused by congenital abnormalities of the reproductive tract, genetic disorders, and sexual dysfunction.


Teratozoospermia is an abnormal condition of the sperm. It can be caused by either congenital or genetic defects. Fortunately, teratozoospermia can be treated. Treatment can involve making changes to your lifestyle and adopting a healthy diet. Avoiding cigarettes and other unhealthy habits is key, and a balanced diet rich in amino acids can also help.

Another treatment of teratozoospermia is in vitro fertilization (IVF). This procedure involves using sperm from a healthy donor to fertilize an egg. The fertilized egg is then implanted into a woman's uterus. IVF can have a success rate of up to 43 percent. The cost of this procedure varies from 12,000 to 17,000 Indian rupees.

A doctor must first determine the cause of the problem. Many factors may affect sperm morphology, including chronic diseases and exposure to pesticides and heavy metals. An accurate diagnosis will be important to the success of treatment. In many cases, teratozoospermia can be successfully treated with medications.

Teratozoospermia is a condition in which sperm have abnormal shapes. This hinders their movement across the female genital tract. A sperm with abnormal morphology cannot fertilize an egg. The resulting embryo is likely to die of failure.

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