Can Hemorrhoids Affect Male Fertility?

ben bunting BA(Hons) PgCert Sport & Exercise Nutriton  Written by Ben Bunting: BA(Hons), PGCert.


It makes all the sense in the world that you are going to be worrying about what issues could affect your fertility when you are trying for a baby.

It can be even harder if you and your partner are struggling to conceive right now.

You look at how easy it seems to be for some people and wonder what possible reasons there could be for your situation.

As a result, of course, you are going to look at your existing health issues and ask yourself if they could be the cause of any fertility issues. 

Of course, looking for information about something as complex as male infertility symptoms is something of a double-edged sword.

There is so much research out there and so many different experts that you can probably find the answer that you want somewhere, even if it is not the right one.

So, a question like “can hemorrhoids affect male fertility” is a reasonable one. Still, you need to be careful not to end up going down a rabbit hole where you find reasons for an issue instead of potential solutions. 

  • What Are Hemorrhoids?
  • Do Hemorrhoids Affect Male Fertility?
  • What Changes Can I Make To My Lifestyle To Avoid Male Infertility?
  • How Can Supplements Help With Male Fertility?
  • Conclusion 

What Are Hemorrhoids?

Can Hemorrhoids Affect Male Fertility?

To start with, it’s easy to understand why you would think that hemorrhoids would have an impact. They are extremely uncomfortable to live with.

They are veins in your rectum or anus that have become inflamed and swollen, and they make a lot of everyday activities a lot more painful to deal with. They are also very common as you get older, typically between the ages of 40 and 50. 

They can be caused by obesity, pregnancy, a low fiber diet, chronic constipation, and straining during bowel movements.

Common symptoms include pain or itching during your bowel movements, swelling around your anus, fecal leakage, bright red blood appearing during bowel movements.

There are many different treatments available for hemorrhoids, and you should consult your doctor about which might be best for you. 

Is it common?

According to the National Institute of Health it is a common condition faced by both genders. 

It is reported that as we age (50+) half of adults expereince hemorrhoids.

Unwanted side effects

Obviouly no-one wants an itching anus, but it can lead to painful blood clots which can be both internal or external. 

Additional skin can remai after a dissolved hemorrhoid, you can also suffer from an infection of an existing an external hemorrhoid.

It can also lead to anemia. This is a key point. 

Do Hemorrhoids Affect Male Fertility?

There is some evidence to suggest that hemorrhoids may have an impact on your sexual function, although it has not been directly linked to fertility as such.

One of the reasons why this question may have come is because there have been studies that have shown that it can be linked to erectile dysfunction.

A 2012 study showed that men, and particularly men under 40, were more likely to suffer from ED if they had previously been diagnosed with hemorrhoids.

The research suggested that the swelling of the varicose veins in the area meant that erectile dysfunction was more of a possibility. 

Another study published in 2019 found that those receiving treatment to surgically remove a hemorrhoid reversed the effects of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction affects around 12% of men anyway, so this is not uncommon. 

It is also common amongst men of a reproductive age and can cause infertility

What about anemia?

So, hemmorhoids can lead to anemia, this is when your body has fewer red blood cells that is required (alongside hemoglobin) to transport oxygen around the body. 

Anemia can be the result of low iron intake or the loss of blood.

Anemia caused by an iron deficiency was addressed by a study published in 2014 , the results saw an enhancement of sperm health and also increased testosterone concentrations among the treated men.

It is important to note that some of the lifestyle factors that lead to hemorrhoids are also some of those that can impact male fertility.

While the two conditions may not be directly connected as such, their root cause may be similar.

Being overweight or obese can lead to lower quality sperm, just as it can lead to hemorrhoids. 

What Changes Can I Make To My Lifestyle To Avoid Male Infertility?

can hemmorhoids cause infertility?

Making changes to your diet can have a real impact on your fertility.

If you are concerned that your weight is a factor in your health and your fertility, then avoiding red meat and saturated fats can make a big difference.

It is also important to note that alcohol is a confirmed as playing a part in male infertility, and it is filled with empty calories. Cutting down on your drinking will absolutely help. 

Similarly, smoking is one of the most harmful things that you can do to your own body, and it will have an impact on your sperm quality.

➡️READ: Natural treatments for male infertility

There are so many reasons to quit smoking, and this is just one of them. But working on a diet that will help your fertility is about more than just losing weight and cutting out the cigarettes and alcohol.

You should be looking at what vitamins and minerals could have a part to play and if supplements could help you with this issue. 

How Can Supplements Help With Male Fertility?

We all know that we should be taking more vitamin D during the winter to compensate for all that sunshine we are not getting, for example, and that iron is always a good option for anyone looking to improve their fitness levels and muscle mass.

You may not have considered supplements for fertility issues, but the fact is that infertility rates are rising around the world, and there are vitamins, minerals and plant extracts that could help you to improve the quality of your sperm. 

Our supplement Fertiligy is 100% natural, and it has been created to specifically target those areas related to fertility with ingredients that have been shown to have an impact.

We all know that it can be very difficult to get all the nutrients that you need from your diet, particularly if you are already stressed and leading a very busy lifestyle.

This is where supplements come in. 

One of the most important areas when it comes to fertility is testosterone. If your body is not producing enough testosterone, then it is not getting all the help it needs when it comes to the production of sperm.

Fertiligy contains several ingredients that have been proven to help with the production of testosterone, but it also comes loaded with anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. 


There is no direct evidence to link hemorrhoids themselves causing male infertility, but there is certainly evidence to link the effects of hemmorhoids with male infertility such as sexual dysfunction and anemia.

Think about getting more exercise and eating healthier.

And because environmental factors like stress acting as risk factors to your fertility, it makes sense to give yourself the best possible chance when it comes to starting a family. 

With Fertiligy, you are giving your body the tools it needs to build back healthier.

You can also visit our Knowledge Base for much more information on those commonly asked questions and some tips for changes that you can make.

fertiligy male fertility supplement