Acrosome Reaction and Fertility

ben bunting BA(Hons) PgCert Sport & Exercise Nutriton  Written by Ben Bunting: BA(Hons), PGCert.


The acrosome reaction is a sperm process that involves the release of hyaluronidase and acrosin. It begins when a sperm contacts the oocyte's zona pellucida or actin filament. The interaction triggers a calcium influx and a signaling cascade. As a result, the cortical granules within the oocyte fuse with the outer membrane of the egg.

PC12 induces acrosome reaction in uncapacitated sperm

This study demonstrated that PC12 induces an acrosome reaction in uncapacitated sperm by increasing intracellular calcium levels. This finding was consistent with previous studies. The presence of cholesterol in the plasma membrane is thought to retard sperm capacitation and the acrosome reaction. In fact, only a few sperm samples treated with CLC exhibited a high level of intracellular calcium.

Various detergents, such as PC12, are known to induce the acrosome reaction in uncapacitated sperm. This effect is mediated by cholesterol and the ionophore A23187, which transport calcium across the plasma membrane. Both acrosome reaction and calcium levels are required for successful sperm capacitation.

During sperm fertilization, spermatozoa use a series of acrosomal enzymes in order to penetrate the oocyte's outer layer. These enzymes impair embryonic development and the bigger the acrosome, the more deleterious its effect is. Hence, promoting the acrosome reaction in uncapacitated sperm can improve embryonic development and improve the number of babies born from the embryo transfer procedure.

The process of capacitation is a complex process involving many molecular components. Moreover, the tyrosine phosphorylation of a subset of sperm proteins is necessary for the process to take place. The tyrosine phosphorylation pattern is considered as the molecular hallmark of capacitation.

ROS may play a positive role in regulating sperm capacitation. It has been shown that exogenous O2* can trigger sperm capacitation but SOD inhibits this process. The researchers have also demonstrated that ROS-induced capacitation does not require a prolonged incubation time.

The mechanism by which PC12 induces an acrosome reaction in uncapacitatited sperm involves specific ion channels and ion transporters on the sperm plasma membrane. These channels are regulated by a variety of factors, including voltage, ligands, and depletion of internal stores.

Effects of ALA on acrosome reaction

ALA has been shown to suppress sperm motility and acrosome reaction, a key step in sperm development. This study found that ALA treatment inhibited sperm motility and acrosomal reaction by inhibiting Akti-2. Further studies need to confirm these findings using human sperms.

The acrosome reaction is dependent on calcium influx via membrane channels. In the absence of calcium, the process would not take place. However, calcium influx from the extracellular space can trigger the acrosome reaction. Progesterone, a female hormone, plays a critical role in the calcium influx.

ALA has a number of beneficial effects on the sperm. It inhibits lipid peroxidation, improves mitochondrial function and protects the cell membrane from damage. It also decreases ROS levels. These findings have implications for reproductive health. ALA can help improve fertility and reduce the risk of sperm motility loss.

The sperm acrosome reaction is one of the key steps in fertilization. However, the test has poor correlation with other reproductive outcomes, such as in vitro fertilility and blastocyst production. Further studies are needed to understand how ALA works in sperm acrosome reactivity. This study is the first to address this important topic.

Antioxidants reduce the risk of premature acrosome reaction, a process associated with a reduction in fertilisation. They also protect sperm from oxidative stress. Antioxidants also improve motility and improve fertility. These results highlight the importance of consuming antioxidants for sperm motility.

THC significantly inhibits the spontaneous acrosome reaction in 90% of sperm. However, THC does not significantly inhibit the reaction at the 0.32 mM level. The study also suggests that THC has a role in reducing spontaneous acrosome reactions.

Effects of ALA on sperm motility

ALA has several biological functions. First, it creates a strong shield on the cell membrane, which makes it resistant to free radical attack. Second, it inhibits the formation of deep pores on the surface of sperm cells. Third, ALA affects the pH of the medium, which is important for sperm motility. Sperm mitochondria are highly active, and they generate high levels of free radicals. Therefore, ensuring that mitochondrial integrity is intact is vital for sperm movement.

Besides acting as an antioxidant, ALA also modulates the immune system, which is important for the survival of sperm. Studies have shown that ALA can improve sperm motility. Moreover, it can reduce DNA fragmentation, a contributing factor to sperm motility decline.

In this study, the ALA concentration in fresh buck semen was within the range of normozoospermia according to WHO guidelines. Tests of sperm motility were carried out at various concentrations. At 0.0125 mmol/ml, the proportion of motile sperm significantly increased, from 112.8% to 251.0%. However, when ALA concentrations were higher, this increase in motility reversed.

The results of these studies indicate that ALA improves sperm quality in men with poor quality semen. It relieves OS-induced sperm damage and improves hormone synthesis, concentration, motility, and morphology. In the future, further studies should focus on combining several antioxidants in a single treatment to take advantage of the synergistic effect of these compounds.

Another promising antioxidant, lycopene, has been found to improve sperm motility and morphology. A recent randomized controlled trial concluded that taking lycopene supplements daily improved sperm quality. And Coenzyme Q10, an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress, is also a promising dietary supplement for male fertility. It improved sperm health and motility in one meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Effects of ALA on sperm capacitation

One of the most important aspects of male fertility is sperm capacitation. Sperm capacitation is an indicator of the ability of spermatozoa to fertilize an egg. If it is reduced, men are more likely to have trouble conceiving. However, it is important to note that reduced sperm capacitation is common in men who are experiencing fertility concerns.

There are many mechanisms that contribute to the motility and quality of sperm. These mechanisms include regulation of metabolism, antioxidant capacity, and structural integrity. In addition, the lipid content of mitochondrial compartments and membrane walls contribute to sperm motility. ALA improves these processes by enhancing the availability of mitochondrial coenzymes and improving protection from free radicals. Moreover, it reduces the incidence of mitochondrial dysfunction.

In the study, spermatozoa were assessed for a range of parameters including curvilinear velocity, mean amplitude of head lateral displacement, and linearity. Spermatozoa were considered hyper-activated when their curvilinear velocity exceeded 150 um/sec and their linearity was more than 50%.

These results suggest that ALA reduces PRDX activity, a key factor in the capacitation process. Inhibition of this enzyme impairs the ability of spermatozoa to fuse with oocyte plasma membrane. This impairs the fertility process in men, causing poorer fertilization and embryonic development.

ALA also reduces free radicals that attack the midpiece of sperm. It also protects the structure of the sperm by forming a protective shield on the cell membrane and the liquid surrounding it. This helps reduce the formation of deep pores on the sperm's surface.

Despite the findings, there are no clear answers to the question of whether BPA causes impaired sperm function. Several studies suggest that BPA affects semen quality. However, further studies are needed to clarify this issue.


The acrosome reaction is the first step in fertilization, when a sperm's head binds with an egg and releases its contents. This process is not efficient in some males, and this causes subfertility. The genetics of this process are not fully understood. However, a study of seven horses with IAR found an association with two SNPs in the FKBP6 gene. Both SNPs had a genotype of A/A.

The results of the current study suggest that heparin may prevent the acrosome reaction. In a previous study, sperm were incubated with 10 mg of heparin. The higher concentration of heparin might have reduced the time needed for the acrosome reaction. Similarly, adding cholesterol to sperm membranes may retard the acrosome reaction.

The acrosome reaction involves a polymerization of globular actin into filamentous actin. This is critical to capacitation. As a result, filamentous actin should undergo depolymerization early in the acrosome reaction. The effects of BPA on sperm motility and the acrosome reaction should be further investigated.

Activation of the acrosome reaction is mediated by the interaction between the sperm and the oocyte. This triggers the opening of Ca2+ channels in the plasmatic membrane, which elevates the levels of secondary messengers, leading to a cascade of signalling events. Eventually, the acrosome reaction is accompanied by the exocytosis of the acrosome's contents, which include glycohydrolases, esterases, and phosphatases.